Polititician who Support the Ban on Catching Baby Lobsters is Only Mrs Megawati Sukarno Putri

    Polititician who Support the Ban on Catching Baby Lobsters is Only Mrs Megawati Sukarno Putri

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA - The only national politician who supports the ban on catching baby lobsters is Mrs. Megawati Sukarno Putri, "said Susi Pudjiastuti, former minister of maritime affairs in the 2014-2019 working cabinet, after the event to destroy baby lobster fishing gear, which took place in the Pangandaran katapangdoyong field 06/04/2021. 

    At that time, I knew there were people who abused their position by catching baby lobsters. 

    I know that there are KKP officials who have made hundreds of billions of rupiah in profits from the catch and sale of baby lobsters. 

    That's why I took a firm step by issuing a ban on catching baby lobsters. 

    At that time, there were rejections from various circles, so that other officials and politicians opposed my policy, "explained Susi. 

    However, as a fisherman who knows the threat of extinction of marine life, I remain strong and consistent, and I still prohibit catching baby lobsters, " She said. 

    Furthermore, Susi added, why is it that the bagang is still allowed to operate there, even though, the bagang is one of the fishing tools that damage the marine biota ecosystem. 

    Remember, continued Susi, all kinds of small marine life will be caught by bagang, it could be that millions of types of fish and shrimp can be caught. 

    Larvae, or small types of marine biota, are the food chains of other larger marine biota. 

    Because, in the marine life cycle, the plankton is eaten by the larvae, then the larvae are eaten by the slightly larger marine biota, then the slightly larger ones are eaten by the larger ones, the larger ones are eaten by the largest ones. 

    Now, the big ones usually migrate anywhere in search of food that is slightly smaller than him, so, if the small and small ones are caught by humans and bagang, right, there is no food chain, that means large fish and shrimp will not come to pangandaran sea, that's the life cycle of marine life. 

    So, in this case, I urge, already, stop capturing other small marine biota, let them live naturally, don't disturb them, let the laws of nature take them through.

    If we are all aware and want to stop it, God willing, in the future fishermen will prosper, "concluded Susi. (Anton AS)

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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