Jeje Realized 26 Points of Political Promises in the 2020 Campaign Period

    Jeje Realized 26 Points of Political Promises in the 2020 Campaign Period

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA  - The Pangandaran Regent, H Jeje Wiradinata emphasized that, as a regent for the second period, he will realize his political promises during the 2020 Pilkada campaign.

    I will all-out devote myself to the people of Pangandaran, and will do my best to build and realize people's welfare, "said Jeje in his remarks at the Pangandaran regency musrembang event, Monday 15/03/2021.

    According to him, the positions of regent and deputy regent are mandates, and we are obliged to realize written and unwritten political promises.

    Regents and representatives must be accountable, vertically and horizontally, for political promises both in writing and orally in front of the Pangandaran people and in the presence of one Almighty God, "said Jeje.

    Written political promises, added Jeje, would be embodied in the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) priority program and strengthened through Regional Regulations (Perda).

    The promise of this political promise is a debt, because, apart from being collected by the public, it will also be held accountable before the one and only God, "he explained.

    In order for the presence of the leader to be felt by the people of Pangandaran, on this occasion I ask that Pangandaran district government employees wholeheartedly help to realize our political promises during the campaign, "said Jeje.

    Following are 26 political promises that must be fulfilled by the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pangandaran: 1. Make the Pangandaran shop a juara.. 2. Additional subsidies for fertilizer. 3. build an independent food barn. 4. Printing 5000 young entrepreneurs and the development of creative industry players. 5. Scholarships for students.

    6. The hybrid coconut movement. 7. Pangandaran free house unfit for habitation. 8. Construction of the Kobong for Islamic boarding schools. 9. Provision of operational costs for pesantren. 10. Increasing incentives for honorary teachers.

    11. Increase incentives for village officials, RT, RW, Linmas and BPD. 12. Strengthening LPM. 13. Land and building tax exemption for the small community. 14. Increasing religious facilities. 15. Ajengan go to school plus. 16. build an arts building.

    17. Build a sports center. 18. Encouraging BUMD to be healthy and to win Bumdes. 19. Revitalizing traditional markets. 20. Flights to Pangandaran. 21. Organizing skills training and competency enhancement of high school, vocational, MA and tertiary education graduates.

    22. Organizing Maghrib movement to the mosque. 23. training for CPNS candidates from Pangandaran. 24. Continue and improve free education and health.

    25. Expand BPJS membership and kertawaluya cards and provide insurance for coconut penderes, fishermen and high-risk community business groups. 26. Extending scholarships to tertiary institutions. (Anton AS)

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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