Tuesday Afternoon Reaches 2000 Visitors Entered Pangandaran Beach

    Tuesday Afternoon Reaches 2000 Visitors  Entered Pangandaran Beach

     PANGANDARAN JAWA BARAT - On Tuesday afternoon, around 2000 visitors have entered the Pangandaran beach tourist attraction, "said the head of the Pangandaran Tourism and Culture Office, Untung Saiful Rahman, when interviewed by several media crews in his office, Tuesday 18/05/2021. 

    He explained that, all tourist objects in Pangandaran Regency have reopened, after being temporarily closed after the crowd of visitors on the Batu Karas beach Pangandaran. 

    Yes, the crowd went viral on social media because they were considered to have ignored health protocols without wearing masks.

    However, fortunately saeful continued, after signing the integrity pact on the readiness of tourism business actors to comply with and participate in monitoring the health protocol, which was witnessed directly by the Regent, then on Tuesday, at 00 on 18 May 2021, all tourism objects in Pangandaran Regency reopened. 

    Now it appears that the officers have opened the blockade at the entrance to the Pangandaran beach tourism object, although the volume of visitor vehicles is not like it was before the closure of the tourist attraction, but some visitor vehicles are now starting to enter Pangandaran tourism objects. 

    As can be seen at the main entrance to Pangandaran beach tourism objects, a number of visitor vehicles, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled, are queuing at Tolgate to get entry tickets, " said untung.

    According to him, after the reopening of Pangandaran tourist objects, tourist visits began to arrive.

    After the tourism business actors sign the integrity fact to assist and supervise health protocols, we, the Tourism Office, have collaborated with travel agencies and associations that are members of the tourism sector to convey that all tourist destinations in Pangandaran district have been reopened on the condition that they must adhere to health protocols, "said Untung. 

    He also continues to provide education related to health protocols to businesses and tourist visitors in the tourist area. 

    We will also cooperate with example tourism business actors, with the owner of the goes car rental to give free masks to visitors who want to use the goes car rental service, "said Untung. 

    As he said, medical officers from the Health Office were conducting health checks on Rapid Antigen sampling on tourism business actors in several Pangandaran tourism objects, "he said. (Anton AS)

    Pangandaran jawa barat
    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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