For the Fifth Time the Pangandaran Regency Government Receive Unqualified Opinion Award (WTP)

    For the Fifth Time the Pangandaran Regency Government Receive Unqualified Opinion Award (WTP)

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA - In a row for the fifth time, the Pangandaran Regency Government received an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) award, "said Pangandaran regent H Jeje wiradinata Wednesday, 19/05/2021.

    He said that, even though he was only 9 years old (in October) which Pangandaran was the youngest district in West Java, various awards continued to be won, one of which was in the field of financial management.

    Yes, the Pangandaran Regency Government this time received the Unqualified Opinion (WTP) award in a row for the fifth time, "said Jeje.

    According to him, this good news came from the BPK RI Representative of West Java at the time of submitting the audit report from the Supreme Audit Agency on the 2020 Regional Government Financial Report of Pangandaran Regency.

    In the event, officially the Head of the West Java BPK Representative, Mr. Agus Khotib, S.E M.Si AK CA CSFA CLA (Aust), submitted the BPK LHP over the 2020 LKPD. This WTP award was received directly by the Pangandaran Regent on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at the BPK Representative Office of West Java, "he said.

    This WTP award, added Jeje, is the highest award in financial management, " he said.

    There are 4 opinions given by BPK RI in assessing the financial management of a region, namely: a. Not giving an opinion; b. Unreasonable; c. Fair with exceptions d. Fair without exception.

    Thank God we have received this WTP award, and this award is achieved not only on the basis of the government's success, but this is all due to the efforts and cooperation of all levels of Pangandaran society, "he said. (Anton AS)

    Pangandaran jawa barat
    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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