1217 Pangandaran Employees Need, on Agustus 2021 Testing is Expected 85% Obtained by Pangandaran People

    1217 Pangandaran Employees Need, on Agustus 2021 Testing is Expected 85% Obtained by Pangandaran People

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA - 1217 Employees need Pangandaran distrik government, in augutus 2021, testing is expecteed 85% abtained by Pangandaran people.

    Thus explained Pangandaran regent H Jeje Wiradinata, when interviewed by some media crew in his workspace, Tuesday 11/05/2021.

    Said Jeje that, Pangandaran district government ready rollout selection of government prospective employees and government employees (ASN) with a work agreement (P3K).

    That matter associated with letter of determination publication from ministry empowerment of the state apparatur and bureucrasy reform (Kemenpan RB) about determination of employee need in Pangandaran district goverenment.

    In the letter, has been estabilished that employee need in Pangandaran distric government as much 1217 employees, and that numbre is open quotas for selection of employees reception in the year 2021.

    Test employee opening will be announced at the end of may 2021 formally, and selection schedule Will be held in agustus 2021, " said Jeje.

    According to him, recruitment quota for this year as Mach 1217 person, consists of 610 person as teacher and government employees by Contract agreement (PPPK).

    Meanwhile, government prospective employees (CPNS) as much 474 person, for health workers and technical personel 137 person, " he explained.

    However, from determination of ministry empowerment of the state apparature and bureocracy reform (Kemenpan RB), Jeje admited to make adjusments, in which there are some pormations is assessed too much and it's not needs in accordace with.

    Next said Jeje, evidently 
    there are several pormation that hasn't Been synced yet by necessity, yes, we are given general practitioners formation as much 44 person, dentist 25 person, that's in our opinion too much, " said Jeje. 

    With many dokter pormation, by registration predictable will decrease, yes, it is mirorred from last year selection, what wasteful pormation if only not filled.

    In Pangandaran district governtment, we need bachelor of law, Bachelor of Governmance Science, Marine Bachelor, Bachelor of Engineering, so, if too much, lattter it can be reduced, " said Jeje.

    He hopes that this opportunity to recruit employees could be utilized by Pangandaran people, yes, i want that this 85% employee quota obtained by Pangandaran people, " Jeje said.  (Anton AS)

    Pangandaran Jawa barat
    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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